Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Introvert or Extrovert?

Has anyone ever called you a loner? Or an attention-whore? (I know the second is kind of mean but among boys my age it seems acceptable) Well, by my definition, an introvert is someone who doesn't like spending time with others and prefers to be by themselves, and an extrovert is someone who consistently seeks human interaction. Neither of the two have a positive nor a negative connotation. On, these are the definitions given:

introvert: 1. a shy person
                 2. a person characterized by concern primarily with his or her own thoughts and feelings

extrovert: 1. an outgoing, gregarious person
                2. a person characterized by extroversion; a person concerned primarily with the physical and social environment

Okay. So here lies my problem. I don't think I belong to either one of these. Let's go through this like a checklist. Okay, I'm NOT shy. I love talking to people and expressing my opinions. However, I do concern myself primarily with myself. I think that I should care about myself first. I usually tend to not think about how other people feel. Am I outgoing? Well, I spend most of my free time alone. That's either because I have no life, which some could argue I do, or I don't put myself out there enough. I'm not entirely sure what it is.

My questions for you is, Do you think you belong to only one of these? Or are you a mix of both like I am? Would you agree that I don't belong to either one?

Until next time, Spencer. :)

Monday, December 10, 2012

New Title?

I changed the title from "We are People" to "The Ranting Teenager" for a few reasons.

  1. It makes more sense. If I could simply describe what I talk about most of the time, it's me being a ranting teenager.
  2. The old one MADE NO SENSE. From my current perspective it doesn't anyway. I had trouble coming up with a name at the time because I was so eager to start writing.
  3. Wider Audience? I would guess that if a survey was conducted, more people would choose to read a blog titled the latter as opposed to the original.
I'll post a new post (could I avoid repetition there?) tomorrow. I'm working on it now. Until next time!
(left that part the same ;)    )
                               Double parenthesis?

Friday, December 7, 2012

Where I see myself in...

Right now I am 13 and in 8th grade. I thought it might be a neat idea to, instead of me talking about myself straight-up, give clues through talking about where I see myself in x years.

4 Years - I will be a senior in high school taking AP math and science and taking either honors or regular classes for most other things. I will be studying most nights preparing for my SAT and ACT to get into MIT.

8 Years - Taking my computer science and philosophy classes at MIT while during some of my free time running a small software/game company with a few of my fellow geek friends.

12 Years - Working at Google on new theoretical projects and throwing ideas around with the coolest people in the world A.K.A. Google employees. (Not saying that other people aren't)

20 Years - Moved to a Google place in California and found a wife and had children. I am financially secure and live in the suburbs of Los Angeles or San Francisco.

45 Years - Retired and doing a variety of random stuff in my free time. I can't predict this far unfortunately.

I wish there is more I could talk about on the subject but I am running into a bit of writer's block. I have ideas though, which I will probably work on Sunday. Until next time, thanks for reading.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Youtube Channels I Subscribe To

I am very in to Youtube. I watch videos everyday, usually consuming about two to three hours of my time. I do take what videos I watch seriously, however. My subscription list is sacred and I would like to share what channels I subscribe to and why I like them.

BlueXephos - Main Yogscast channel. The Yogscast is a group of British Minecraft (and some other games but mostly Minecraft) players. Their game plays are very entertaining, even though sometimes I wanna yell at them that they're going the complete wrong way in an adventure map.

CaptainSparklez - Another Minecraft player. He also takes parts in a lot of projects such as music videos. Here's one you might like, if you're into that kinda thing:

CAT7thst - Pronounced cat-seventh-street. It's whiteboy7thst's (I'll get to him in a moment) cat and he posts funny videos every now and then. Not big on my list, but I enjoy its videos all the same.

collegehumor - HILARIOUS videos! Typically, anyway. They do lots of skits and it's always a good time (Owl City reference) to watch their videos.

freddiew - He does skits too, but they involve tons of special effects and are more focused on the action/suspense aspects of filming, even though there is a bit of comedy in all of his videos.

gotitans999 - I play the piano. For that reason, I subscribe to titans because he puts out a lot of instructional videos on how to play popular songs. Check him out if you like to play piano and don't want to play anymore Bach.

jakecoco - Youtube musician. They are very high-quality sound recordings and video quality, and you can tell that Jake puts a lot of effort into them. I think it's his job. Maybe not though; I'm just guessing.

JennaMarbles - Youtube comedian/entertainer. Releasing a new video every Wednesday, she finds comedy in everyday things and tries to explain them in the least reasonable way possible.

machinimarespawn - There's a CoD channel. It's a branch of Machinima, which is a community Youtube channel and a company, I believe. It puts out a wide variety of all things Call of Duty.

megannicolesite - Another Youtube musician. She has a very sweet voice and I think it's cool that she, at such a young age, got her life headed in the direction of her dreams thanks to Youtube. She does mostly covers but she has done original songs as well. Here's "Starships" (Originally by Nicki Minaj).

MonsieurDream - This is Cyprien. He is a Youtube comedian, and if you think his name sounds weird, that's because it does. He is French. I speak almost fluent French, so I enjoy watching his videos. He posts about once a month. His videos are funny sometimes even if you don't speak a word of his language. Here's one that I personally like a lot.

RayWilliamJohnson - Comedian. I watch his videos sometimes. He, at one point and maybe still, had the most subscribers on all of Youtube. He had this really bad patch of time where his show =3 (equals three) sucked, in my opinion. But it recently just got a lot better.

smosh - More skits. They are generally veeeeerrrrry silly. Let this video speak for itself.

SourceFed - News, in the best way possible. The news they cover is often very bizarre and/or fascinating.

sxephil - More news. You may know him by "Phillip DeFranco". He works with SourceFed in the same office! :D

TheSyndicateProject - #1 Solo UK Commentator. He does Minecraft, CoD, and other games. He acquired his fan base/fame from his CoD Zombies skills.

Vsauce - SCIENCE! Want to learn something science related that will boggle your mind. VoilĂ . Here's a recent video they did.

WhiteBoy7thst - He is a crazy guy who plays CoD and a little bit of Minecraft. Not to say that he actually IS crazy, but that that's his public persona. I haven't clicked on a lot of his videos recently. :\

WoodysGamertag - Probably my favorite Youtube channel. He does CoD videos, as well as a good amount of real-life vlogs. He's awesome.

More Yogscast Channels That I Subscribe To

I hope you found a channel that might use up a bit of your free time whenever you are bored. Until next time!

Friday, November 23, 2012

Black Friday - The Spirit of Giving and Defeat

As I am writing this, it is 4:18 PM. 12 hours ago, I was dressed and having coffee preparing to embark on a quest for bargains. I was looking mostly for gifts for Christmas and some little things for myself. I was hoping to acquire a 32" Westinghouse LED Slim 720p 60Hz HDTV. Westinghouse, a brand you may never have heard of, because it is much cheaper. The deal at Menards was $127. Unfortunately, my incompetence to remember the best deals overcame me. I tried to get it later but they were long gone. I was told by a friend later that when Menards opened, people went for that TV like maniacs. I could have been trampled. So that's a good thing, that I didn't get trampled. I got some gifts and stuff and I'm happy with what I bought. Buying presents for others always feels so rewarding.

I hope you all enjoyed your Black Fridays and didn't get trampled. I bet there will be a story on the news tomorrow of how some 19 year old Wal-Mart employee got ran over by crowds of middle-aged women. That is why I'm sometimes skeptical about whether or not it's a good idea to go Black Friday shopping, but then I think logically. "All the cases," I thought. "of people who are trampled to death compared to the happiness low prices could bring to me and others to whom I gift, would it still be a good idea to go Black Friday shopping?" YES! In my opinion, it's a really good thing. You save big, getting more presents for others and making relationships more powerful, and the companies make a profit. If you don't understand how the companies make a profit by lowering prices on Black Friday, allow me to enlighten you.

These companies get these items from manufacturers for a low price. Let's say a quartz amulet for $10 from the manufacturer. Quartz is generally quite common, so it's not difficult to make and sell to the stores, let's say Bob's Superstore Emporium. I don't know what an emporium is but it sounds cool. Back to the story. Bob Bobbington, the CEO of this company, buys 100 quartz amulets for a total of $1,000. Now, he knows that you should always buy low and sell high. So, Bob decides to sell the amulet for $30 at his emporium. Some locals come by and purchase this item. Bob has sold 20 amulets for a total of $600. But he still hasn't made a profit. He has to make $400 back just to have not made a horrible business decision. He also needs more money to pay for workers, land, etc...Black Friday comes along, and Bob, a business-savvy employer, knows that when cost goes down, demand goes up. Let me show you how. For Black Friday, he lowers the price of this amulet to $20. Wow! 33% Off! He then sells out all the inventory, 80 amulets that is at $20 for $1,600! Added to the price of the $600 made off the first 20 amulets, that makes $2,400 dollars. A $1,400 profit. He couldn't have sold those 80 amulets without lowering the price, and it helped him significantly by doing so on Black Friday.

I'm really getting into the Holiday Spirit now. Until next time!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving everyone. I, personally, like this holiday because adults can usually get off work and kids can usually get off school, unlike Halloween. I guess Thanksgiving is a bit more important to us Americans because it represents two things. First, the bonding between the pilgrims and the Native Americans. Without that, our country might not exist because maybe the Natives would've punctured our faces with spears and scalped our heads if we hadn't been so friendly and if they hadn't been so open to new people. Sorry for the gruesome picture. But then again, it could've been more gruesome. Why does Blogger think "could've" isn't a word? says it's not a word. Never mind, could've is not a word and I will not use it again. Shame. Anyway, the second reason why Thanksgiving is important is because of the importance of recognizing how much we have and how little some others have, and simply learning to embrace the fact that we have great families and great friends. I think that is the true meaning of Thanksgiving.

I think Thanksgiving should be spent with friends and family, especially if they are visiting from far away. If you've ever gone to a friend's home to spend an evening maybe watching a football game or something when they say they'll be back in an hour, it probably bothers you that he/she didn't care to dedicate the period of time they said they would to enjoy your company. It's not fun. So if you have family around, or if you have gone to be around family, spend time with them. It's amazing how happy you can make someone by just being in their company.

At most homes, there is a tradition of saying what you are thankful for, and I think that's cool and all, but actions speak louder than words. Or, put more simply, "do somethin' 'bout it punk!" That could have been said by Al Capone. If you are thankful for your family, gift them, or spend some time with them. If it's something like a TV, well, just be happy about that, but if that's the thing you are most thankful for, I'd be pretty unhappy with you.

Regardless, enjoy your Thanksgivings as much as I know I will. 'Til later.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012


Hello! That's how a normal introduction begins between two, or I suppose, many more people. Suppose is a fun word. Anyway, I am the Founder. I might go by a better alias later, or perhaps my actual name, but for now it remains that I am The Founder. As time goes on, you may learn more about me, my thoughts, and my actions. I've created this blog for anyone who finds them interesting. I guess I've also made this blog for myself and the purpose of getting my thoughts down "on paper" to feel a bit more liberated from society. If that doesn't make any sense, I don't judge you. I don't know whether my thought processes (long e by the way) appear clear in any way, shape, or form. But if you choose to read my blog, whether you understand it or just find it amusing, I am glad that you do so.

I chose the name for this blog, "We Are People", because it demonstrates the idea that although you may feel differently about a subject, we are people, and that means we can understand others and just learn to enjoy other people's opinions, not be mean because of it.

I'm a pretty chill dude. I've also been told I'm pretty smart. I don't know what intelligence is but I enjoy letting experiences tell me more about myself as time goes on. I think that is the briefest description of me I can come up with. So, I guess I've given away the fact that I'm male, and although I could have gone back and deleted the word "dude", I decide not to because that is the word that I thought of. Otherwise there's the butterfly theory. I'll talk about that another time.

This blog will mostly just be a variety of things from Minecraft to politics to science to whatever. There'll probably be something for everybody.

Enjoy the blog.