Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Introvert or Extrovert?

Has anyone ever called you a loner? Or an attention-whore? (I know the second is kind of mean but among boys my age it seems acceptable) Well, by my definition, an introvert is someone who doesn't like spending time with others and prefers to be by themselves, and an extrovert is someone who consistently seeks human interaction. Neither of the two have a positive nor a negative connotation. On, these are the definitions given:

introvert: 1. a shy person
                 2. a person characterized by concern primarily with his or her own thoughts and feelings

extrovert: 1. an outgoing, gregarious person
                2. a person characterized by extroversion; a person concerned primarily with the physical and social environment

Okay. So here lies my problem. I don't think I belong to either one of these. Let's go through this like a checklist. Okay, I'm NOT shy. I love talking to people and expressing my opinions. However, I do concern myself primarily with myself. I think that I should care about myself first. I usually tend to not think about how other people feel. Am I outgoing? Well, I spend most of my free time alone. That's either because I have no life, which some could argue I do, or I don't put myself out there enough. I'm not entirely sure what it is.

My questions for you is, Do you think you belong to only one of these? Or are you a mix of both like I am? Would you agree that I don't belong to either one?

Until next time, Spencer. :)

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